Week of October 8
on October 8th, 2023
“Disciples are to live, looking for the hope of the King’s return” (HCBC). However, we know the agony of waiting until He comes again and the longing for justice in the meantime. So, what are we to do in the in-between? Jesus calls His disciples to take matters into their own hands—praying hands! Let’s learn today about active prayer. Get the point that Jesus makes To begin with, we need to settle...  Read More
Week of October 1
on October 1st, 2023
Sadly, unlike the Tin Man, who only wanted a heart in the classic movie the Wizard of Oz, many worshipers are quite fond of the metal box inside where their hearts should be. This had been the case in ancient Judah, where the people prior to and following the exile simply went through the motions of their faith. God challenged them from His jealous love and called them to true holiness! He does th...  Read More
Week of September 24
on September 24th, 2023
The meaning of “Hate the sin, but love the sinner” is easily understood, but we all know that loving the sinner is a messy and challenging business. Two men in yellow jumpsuits come to my mind, but I will take this story up later in the devotional! In the meantime, we often make an internal judgment about sin and sinners and draw an imaginary line which we will not cross when the sin becomes too d...  Read More
Week of September 17
on September 17th, 2023
“The childish idea that prayer is a handle by which we can take hold of God and obtain whatever we desire leads to easy disillusionment with both what we had thought to be God and what we thought to be prayer,” says Robert L. Short. Two failings on our part are evident in these words. A failure to understand God’s nature as Provider and a failure to pray for and pursue the right things.I will begi...  Read More
Florence Kelley: Guardian of the Children
on September 15th, 2023
In early America, during the 17th and first half of the 18th century, most children led rather predictable and routine lives. They lived at home in rural homesteads and farms, working with their families in self-sufficient units. They raised gardens and crops and livestock, and made their living from their land. Every child grew up with family chores and responsibilities.Between the Revolution and...  Read More
Broken Cables, Unsecured Doors, and Surprising Safety Troubles at School
on September 15th, 2023
Media sources carried the terrifying story earlier this week of an attempt to rescue two adults and six children who were stranded hundreds of feet above ground on a disabled cable car in northwest Pakistan. No effort or expense was spared to bring those adults and children home safely. Now, consider the annual return of your children and grandchildren to school and the extraordinary efforts to en...  Read More
Week of September 10
on September 10th, 2023
“That has love written all over it!” “I couldn’t have said it any better than that!” These are common responses that we make when our minds touch our hearts and we open our senses to express our deepest feelings about a person or an event. I read Psalm 111, and I believe that the hymn writer does this very thing. A Bible commentator expresses similar sentiment when he writes about this psalm: “Her...  Read More
Week of September 3
on September 3rd, 2023
The psalmist writes, “This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him and saved him out of all his troubles” (Psalm 34:7). The wonder of this offer is that we too often see it only as a last resort. I had a dear friend who offered me a place of retreat, time and time again, which I continued politely to decline to accept. It is not that I did not want to go. I simply “could not find the time.” I will ...  Read More
Week of August 27
on August 27th, 2023
“Welcome-ish. Depends On Who You Are and How Long You Stay,” is an example of a humorous front door sign on a home. I’m certain that you also have a read a few funny ones. Many folks post or place some type of family greeting or warning at the front door to all who approach their homes. It may be as simple as the word “Welcome,” a warning to potential intruders, or even some type of blessing. John...  Read More
Week of August 20
on August 20th, 2023
“They caught nothing” are the universal words of disappointment and, at times, embarrassment to fisher men and women! I’ve been in this uneasy position on several occasions. Thankfully, I did not have someone recording the spiritual lessons to be learned and the theological implications for all who read the events that surrounded my failure! Hallelujah, we may thank God that John, the Gospel write...  Read More
Week of August 13
on August 13th, 2023
What would you do if your prayers seemed unanswered and your circumstances remained unchanged? Many of us would long to have a meeting with God where we could air out our differences with Him, but we would likely never follow through. Well, Habakkuk did! The tiny nation of Judah was surrounded by evil wickedness and war, and the people found themselves in a constant state of lamentation. God would...  Read More
Week of August 6
on August 6th, 2023
The Universalists’ claim, that “all paths lead up the same mountain,” meaning that all religious trails arrive at the same destination of eternal salvation, has been around for centuries. This fact concerns me. However, that a growing number of popular, professed Christian heralds have emerged with similar types of messages sounds a major alarm in my mind. It seems to me that the answer to the que...  Read More