Options for Supporting the Center
We solicit your prayers on a regular basis. More than all else, our vision and goals are unachievable without the aid of God through active prayer.
We invite you to send us "prayer-grams" via email to: [email protected].
We solicit your prayers on a regular basis. More than all else, our vision and goals are unachievable without the aid of God through active prayer.
We invite you to send us "prayer-grams" via email to: [email protected].
See the giving portal below for a rundown on ways you can support the Center financially.
See the giving portal below for a rundown on ways you can support the Center financially.
Ways You May Give
Use the giving portal to the right (or below on mobile devices). There are several ways to donate. You may log into your Subsplash giving account or create one by clicking on the icon at the upper right side of the block. Or, simply enter the amount that you choose to give, use the drop-down menu to select the fund, then designate the frequency of your gift. Then, simply click NEXT. You will be guided through the login process or be invited to open an account. It only takes a few minutes!
Text CENTERGIVE to 888-364-4483. You will receive a reply text with a link to the Subsplash Baptist Center giving page. Login if you have a Subsplash giving account or create one then give.
Send your check directly to the Baptist Center for Global Concerns, 4900 Sonterra Ct., Granbury, Texas 76049. Write, for example, "Legacy Partners" or "Mary's Table" on the subject line of your check. We will apply it to the designated area of ministry.
You may give via credit/debit or ACH via the giving portal to the right. Choose the fund to which you wish to contribute in the drop down menu, the frequency of your gift, then click "NEXT." You will be guided through the donation process. It takes just a few moments to give!
You may choose to partner in our mission by transferring securities , either stocks or bonds, to the Center. This form of contribution will allow you to make a gift to the Center and receive a charitable deduction equal to the full fair market value. You also may avoid paying a capital gains tax on your charitable contribution. Please contact us, and we will guide you through the process.
A growing endowment is vital to the Baptist Center for Global Concerns' long-term fulfillment of its mission. Endowed funds will enable us to meet critical ministry leadership and training needs now and into the future.
We currently have three endowment fund giving options: the Foundation Fund (lays a strong foundation for present Center leadership and those whose will follow after us), the Scholarship Fund (supports ministry students in need), and the Global Projects Fund (provides funds for agricultural and community development). Thank you for partnering with us in this way. Please contact us for more information.
We currently have three endowment fund giving options: the Foundation Fund (lays a strong foundation for present Center leadership and those whose will follow after us), the Scholarship Fund (supports ministry students in need), and the Global Projects Fund (provides funds for agricultural and community development). Thank you for partnering with us in this way. Please contact us for more information.