Week of October 13

Holy Spirit-Forged by Patience and Prayer

Read: Nehemiah 7-8; Acts 1

“All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers.”
Acts 1:14, ESV


“Fall on your knees and grow there. There is no burden of the [human] spirit but is lighter by kneeling under it. Prayer means not always talking to Him, but waiting before Him till the dust settles and the stream runs clear” (F.B. Meyer). What a wonderful description of the practice of prayer! The disciples model in this passage the oft-overlooked pathway to making clear choices that bring God’s results—prayerful, patient dependence upon Him. Let’s learn the simple steps today to successful prayer.

The Meaning of the Text

The setting
The Lord gave a directive, based upon His authority, that the disciples were to wait in Jerusalem until they had been clothed with power from the Holy Spirit (1:4-5). They were quite excited by His resurrection and were eager to carry out their mission (1:8). It may seem to be counterintuitive to require them to wait. “Strike while the iron is hot” may be the mantra of many organizations, but this approach builds a flaw into the final product. Once tempered, the tool is quite often brittle and breaks easily. The same holds true for ministry.
Steps to successful prayer
Active patience. The first step to successful prayer may seem to be incongruent, because so much of the focus in culture today is placed upon action. Jesus had instructed those disciples to wait, however, until the Spirit’s baptism (1:4). Jesus knew they would fail in their mission unless He were with them in the Spirit to guide them. Sadly, we often do not know how to wait, nor do we know how to recognize or follow the Spirit. Our results are quite often meager in comparison to what He intended to achieve. There is more in our focal passage to explore.

The practice of focused prayer. The disciples set themselves to the task of prayer. The prayer meeting was ongoing, as indicated by the participle Luke uses to describe it (Acts 1:14). Notice that there is no word that they fell asleep this time, like they did at critical times when Jesus walked among them (Luke 9:32; 22:45-46). We should also notice the centrality of the Scriptures in their prayerful preparations (Acts 1:16; Psalm 69:25). They began a process of calling to mind all the truths Jesus had taught and they made use of the Scriptures—aided by prayer—to come to their decisions. Few, if any, would decide to make a long journey without gathering supplies and preparing. The days of prayerful focus, based upon the Scriptures, enabled the disciples to make ready for their assigned mission.

Utilize faith-filled decision making. They cast lots, which means the disciples assigned lots to the two men they felt could take upon themselves the apostolic mantle. The qualifications were clear (Acts 1:20b-22). The person had to have been with Jesus from the beginning, and had to have witnessed the resurrection. It was abundantly clear that this “eyewitness” office would expire when these twelve individuals passed from this life (Ephesians 2:20; Revelation 21:14). The number twelve must be kept because it corresponded to the restored twelve tribes of Israel, the people of God. The church is built upon this foundation, so it had to be completed before the coming of the Spirit and the “birth of the church” (cf. NAC).

Marked stones were placed in a jar and shaken out. The one whose stone fell out was chosen. Keep in mind that this was not a risky decision. The disciples had already deliberated and prayed and decided upon two qualified men. It was a randomized way to reach an impartial decision. This Old Testament practice would cease once the Holy Spirit came in fullness to direct the church. The disciples showed their profound faith in Christ’s leading through the tools they had at their disposal at that time. And God blessed!

The Message for Your Heart

Here’s a spiritual lesson I learned in ninth-grade metal shop. We were given several assignments to be completed by the end of the semester. Rings and bracelets were simple assignments that were followed by castings and chisel making. Chisels all looked alike, but the process of forging was critical, and only could be proven reliable under severe pressure, meaning our shop teacher! He would dramatically hold a large hammer well above his head and strike a newly made chisel with full force. If it was not forged properly, it would bend or snap under the pressure. He would look at the class, pause for effect, then toss the useless tool into the trash container beside him. It was worthless.

The early church leadership knew that hasty, ill-conceived, and Spirit-less leadership would be costly (cf. Luke 9:37-43 with Acts 3:1-26). Their previous mentorship with Christ had shown this time and time again (cf. also Matthew 14:22-33). The eternal consequences were not worth the risk, so they followed Christ’s instructions and leadership, and the rest is history. We may also say that the rest is our future, if we practice the same.
“Waiting for God is not laziness. Waiting for God is not going to sleep. Waiting for God is not the abandonment of effort. Waiting for God means, first, activity under command; second, readiness for any new command that may come; third, the ability to do nothing until the command is given.”
-G. Campbell Morgan

For Thought and Action

1. Call to mind a previous failed ministry attempt to serve the Lord. Examine it carefully to see what internal flaws may have led to the failed result. Follow the steps taken in Acts 1 and trust the Lord for His timing and results.

2. Churches too often plan, fund, and only then pray before engaging in a ministry project. Patience is lacking, and prayer serves only as the icing on the proverbial cake. This flawed approach to ministry produces human results. Practice waiting upon the Lord for His guidance and provision and timing.

3. For Families: Has your family ever had an important decision to make, or been troubled about something you cannot control and needed a resolution? In times like these, it is always good, as a first step, to go to the Lord in prayer together as a family and ask Him for guidance.

Write the request on a notepad and place it on the dinner table in full view. Share what this kind of “active-waiting-prayer” looks like. Each family member will now be praying quietly in their hearts as you all go about your daily routines. You will actively wait, and pay close attention to God.

Wait a day or two. Invite family members to come by if they wish and write Bible verses below the request, or write a word or two about what they have heard whispered in their hearts from God. When you sense the time is right, then ask for your family to come back together and see what God has done so far.

Speak about how God has been directing your thoughts about the decision. Pray again together. Dismiss and wait again. You will know when it is time to make the decision, or when your resolution comes, and your family will be at peace with what has been decided. God’s wisdom will come in full measure. This is not how the world makes decisions, but it is a way that Christians have done so for centuries.
You might try this, and discover a new way of depending upon God together as your seek His wisdom and ways for your family’s life.

May your paths be straight,
Larry C. Ashlock