Posts with the category “pathway-devotionals”

Week of February 2
by Larry Ashlock on February 2nd, 2025
“What’s this world coming to?” has become a common expression to voice shock and grief. Even a casual awareness of current affairs will lead a person to mourn the injustices in our communities. Call to mind the horrific losses from wildfires in California and the subsequent looting from nefarious individuals. Think also of the victims of hurricanes, whose efforts to rebuild have been drowned in bu...  Read More
Week of January 26
by Larry Ashlock on January 26th, 2025
Following a most brutal miscarriage of human justice and a horrific crucifixion, the resurrected Jesus Christ appears before His disciples and spreads peace. His disciples, formerly war-filled in the Garden of Gethsemane, are presently worshipful at His appearing—and in the years to follow. No counteroffensive is planned and implemented; instead; they become intent on spreading the peace of Christ...  Read More
Week of January 19
by Larry Ashlock on January 19th, 2025
I recently viewed an investment video where a wealthy man stated that a person who invests in one of the stock indexes and stays committed to it through their lifetime will reach life’s end with an incredibly large sum of money. He warned, however, against moving money out of stocks anytime there is a drop in the stock market. He counseled that one must be willing to remain committed to the market...  Read More
Week of January 12
by Larry Ashlock on January 12th, 2025
A horrific tragedy occurred early New Year’s morning in New Orleans. Fourteen people, as of this writing, were killed in an act of domestic terrorism. Dozens of others, some of whom are still in critical condition, were injured in the killing rampage. In a city that is often swamped by savage storms with winds and rains, news reports began to surface in recent days of families and friends who are ...  Read More
Week of January 5
by Larry Ashlock on January 5th, 2025
Chronology governs our lives more than we care to admit. We schedule our days, our workouts, our social time, our bedtimes and wake times, and even set alarms so we do not miss important events. We may subconsciously read Genesis 1:1-2:4 as though the point was God’s creation of hours and days. While we may read Genesis 1:1-2:4 chronologically, it actually provides us with a theological introducti...  Read More
Week of December 29
by Larry Ashlock on December 29th, 2024
“I believe very strongly in the principle and practice of the purity of the visible church, but I have seen churches that have fought for purity and are merely hotbeds of ugliness. No longer is there any observable, loving, personal relationship, even in their own midst, let alone with other true Christians” (Francis Schaeffer, The Mark of the Christian). Talk about a disconnect between Jesus’ pra...  Read More
Week of December 22
by Larry Ashlock on December 22nd, 2024
Charles Dickens once said, “It is good to be children sometimes, and never better than Christmas, when its mighty Founder was a child Himself.” The great author’s words ring true, and hold profound significance, but we must not miss the key doctrine that undergirds our salvation. The crucial principle to which I refer is the doctrine that we call “the Incarnation.” It boggles the mind to think tha...  Read More
Week of December 15
by Larry Ashlock on December 15th, 2024
“We often learn more of God under the rod that strikes us than under the staff that comforts us” (Stephen Charnock*). This opening statement seems like a depressing and discouraging way to begin a devotional! Nevertheless, there is a vitally important lesson in Hebrews 12 to be learned today about God’s discipline and our endurance. Let’s open our hearts to receive the Lord’s encouragement for us ...  Read More
Week of December 8
by Larry Ashlock on December 8th, 2024
Déjà vu moments occur at times in our lives, but we do not usually have them when reading a daily devotional! We may feel like we have already been in a “love passage,” which we encountered in 12:9-13, but this one widens the focus beyond the church to include government and society at large (13:1-7). We have been together in these devotionals long enough for me to earn your trust, so I hope that ...  Read More
Week of December 1
by Larry Ashlock on December 1st, 2024
In times past, parents would send their children off into the world with an exhortation to make something of themselves. Did your parents exhort you in a somewhat similar fashion when you were launching into adulthood? I read somewhere of a parent saying something like, “God has given you two hands, one to receive with and the other to give with.” Paul, a spiritual father to the many churches he p...  Read More
Week of November 24
by Larry Ashlock on November 24th, 2024
“It’s as plain as the nose on your face” means that something is obvious. Sometimes it is so apparent we may overlook it! Paul wraps up the letter to the Corinthians with a powerful benediction, providing us with obvious ways to revive a church in distress. His message is as plain as the nose on our face, but do we see it? Benedictions that inspire healthy church fellowship The context in 2 Corint...  Read More
Week of November 17
by Larry Ashlock on November 17th, 2024
Let’s argue! One of Paul’s wonderful attributes, and there were many, was his use of argument. No, not the hair-pulling, veins-popping-out kind that we too often encounter in our current culture. I mean rhetoric! If you want to know where Paul is going with an idea, then all you must do is see from whence the idea was flowing. I follow the verbs. In our focal context, he reaches back to 1 Corinthi...  Read More
Week of November 10
by Larry Ashlock on November 10th, 2024
We are at war! No, a rogue nation has not crossed a “red line,” but we are engaged in daily conflict. As the comic strip Pogo once famously stated, “We have met the enemy and it is us.” I opened my social media threads this morning and was hit with a barrage of venomous rhetoric in what are often claimed to be trusted news sources. The psalmist reminds us that war does not take place solely on bat...  Read More
Week of November 3
by Larry Ashlock on November 3rd, 2024
“The person who broke you can’t be the one who fixes you” is a popular meme. It holds some truth, but I wish it were as simple as that quote suggests. Sin cripples and leaves us in such disrepair that we have no hope of ever “fixing” ourselves. Gloriously, we meet Hope, who is Jesus Christ, and He changes our hearts forever. We are His from then on, regardless of who we once were. Our value is for...  Read More
Week of October 27
by Larry Ashlock on October 27th, 2024
Suffering is unbearable if you aren’t certain that God is for you and with you” (Keller, Walking with God Through Pain and Suffering, 58). Job vents his frustration over the pain and suffering he is experiencing, his confusion about God’s place in all of it, and his anger at the meaningless words of his “comforters.” Sometimes we cannot see the forest for the trees when we suffer because our pain ...  Read More
Week of October 20
by Larry Ashlock on October 20th, 2024
Humans can live for quite some time without food and shelter, but water is essential for survival. Finding, preserving, and using water factored largely into how ancient Israel lived life. Without this life-giving source, their existence would have been impossible. The psalmist reminds us that our chosen way of life is like water. What an amazing metaphor that speaks clearly to our minds. Choose t...  Read More
Week of October 13
by Larry Ashlock on October 13th, 2024
“Fall on your knees and grow there. There is no burden of the [human] spirit but is lighter by kneeling under it. Prayer means not always talking to Him, but waiting before Him till the dust settles and the stream runs clear” (F.B. Meyer). What a wonderful description of the practice of prayer! The disciples model in this passage the oft-overlooked pathway to making clear choices that bring God’s ...  Read More
Week of October 6
by Larry Ashlock on October 6th, 2024
Despite the great length of time between Christ’s ministry on earth and His imminent return, we all must be aware that we live within the boundaries of His mercy. Upon His return, those who have not received His forgiveness will face judgment. His teaching in this passage helps us to recognize the moral urgency when we encounter evil and suffering (13:1). We should notice immediately that He embod...  Read More
Week of September 29
by Larry Ashlock on September 29th, 2024
It is not the giving of the belt around your waist to the poor that comes first; instead, it is what binds your heart to the Father’s that is key. I’ll explain this in a bit, but we see in our focal passage today a clear word about our spiritual health. If our “eye” (spiritual vision) is open to God’s Word/Jesus’ teaching, then our whole body (person) will be healthy (good). It does us well to hav...  Read More
Week of September 22
by Larry Ashlock on September 22nd, 2024
We all have doubts! These questions come in all shapes and sizes. At the end of the day, however, if we are not careful, it causes us to live defeated lives. “Doubt discovers difficulties which it never solves; it creates hesitancy, despondency, despair. Its progress is the decay of comfort, the death of peace. Believe! is the word which speaks life into a man, but doubt nails down his coffin” (Ch...  Read More
Week of September 15
by Larry Ashlock on September 15th, 2024
Think of the darkest day you have faced in your life. One where you felt entirely alone and could not see your next step. There is a message for you in God’s Word. The Lord can take the darkest moment in your darkest day and cause the sun to rise upon it, so trust Him. The passages we have before us today cover the climax to a time in Judah’s history where their hopes were dashed, and their lives ...  Read More
Week of September 8
by Larry Ashlock on September 8th, 2024
“For kingship belongs to the Lord, and he rules over the nations” (22:28). A variety of theorists, however, postulate that nations typically reach their zeniths because they have forged success out of economic, military, and politico-cultural advancements.Do you ever wonder about God’s role in nation-building and thriving? I know that the above trio of reasons for national longevity is stated broa...  Read More
Week of September 1
by Larry Ashlock on September 1st, 2024
How important is Jesus Christ to global events? John the Apostle opens our understanding to the universal significance of our Lord to our world—in the past, at the present, and in the future. Our focal passage in Revelation 5 serves to remind us of this central truth to make sense of the world and our place in it. Let’s examine carefully this passage today and apply its truth to our lives. Music t...  Read More
Week of August 25
by Larry Ashlock on August 25th, 2024
Artificial Intelligence has arrived and is here to stay. This set of technologies have been here for quite some time, but what is new for many of us are the applications. A recent media interview was held with the CEO of a digital company and his A.I. clone. It was eerie to view his AI substitute as it answered the interviewer’s questions and to watch the company executive nod each time the answer...  Read More
Week of August 18
by Larry Ashlock on August 18th, 2024
Court bailiffs announce the entry of a judge with the familiar, “All rise!” This demonstration of respect for the rule of law is a critical part of our legal system in American democracy. However, I watched a video one time of a judge reading a verdict and then the person on trial literally vaulted over the judge’s bench to take revenge upon the judge and her judgment! Some of our rebellion may no...  Read More
Week of August 11
by Larry Ashlock on August 11th, 2024
The Psalmist writes, “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them out of them all. (Psalm 34:19). John writes, “So, when he [Jesus] heard that Lazarus was ill, he stayed two days longer in the place where he was” (5:6). One wonders if the passages conflict, and if there are times when God does not care for us in our sufferings. Here are the facts: Lazarus is ill, Jesus kn...  Read More
Week of August 4
by Larry Ashlock on August 4th, 2024
Do you hunger for change? The opening question will likely prompt several types of answers. Responses will likely include desires for changes in health, employment/income, housing, and even relationships. The query indeed holds moral importance in each of these areas, but it also holds spiritual meaning! I recognize this fact whenever I read John 6 and the miraculous feeding of 5000 men and their ...  Read More
Week of July 28
by Larry Ashlock on July 28th, 2024
“The Only True God Will Deliver and Restore His People” is a covering for the entirety of our lives. It encourages our hearts and reminds us of God’s excellent daily care. The heading in fact provides us with an excellent caption for chapters 40-55 in Isaiah. This section of the prophecy answers a key question in Israel’s history: Is God powerful enough to defeat all foreign gods (cf. NAC, EBC)? T...  Read More
Week of July 21
by Larry Ashlock on July 21st, 2024
The great Reformation leader, John Calvin, once wrote, “We can only be Christians if we are brethren” (EBC). I witnessed and received much love from numerous Christian brothers and sisters over the course of last week in Lagos, Nigeria. Friendships built over the years have remained strong through the power of the Holy Spirit. I am glad that today’s New Testament reading is in Hebrews 13 because t...  Read More
Week of July 14
by Larry Ashlock on July 14th, 2024
God does not lose those souls He has saved (1 Peter 1:4, “kept in heaven”). There can be no more powerful statement than the one with which I have begun this devotional because the readers of Hebrews needed to remain steadfast in their commitment to Christ. This chapter has created libraries full of interpretation based upon a flawed interpretation of verse 6 and the phrase “have fallen away.” The...  Read More
Week of July 7
by Larry Ashlock on July 7th, 2024
Endurance runners are elite athletes who train themselves to overcome severe obstacles and fatigue to reach their goals as the end of races. One of the hindrances is when their minds tell them to quit once the pain in their bodies reaches their brains! Come to think of it, suffering as we follow Christ will occur at times throughout our Christian race (cf. 2 Timothy 4:7b and Paul’s use of “race” a...  Read More
Week of June 30
by Larry Ashlock on June 30th, 2024
“In prayer it is better to have a heart without words, than words without a heart.” The psalmist knew this when he cried out, “You are my God!” This psalm is the only one associated with King David in the third book of Psalms. He pours out an individual lament to God and, while we do not know the specific circumstance, his cry involves need, affliction, and even enemies (86:1, 7, 16 &17). All thre...  Read More
Week of June 23
by Larry Ashlock on June 23rd, 2024
Shockwaves sounded throughout the American church in recent days as two high profile pastors have stepped down from their positions due to moral failures. Sadly, these are the most recent cases of what has become an epidemic of pastoral and leadership failure. I am reminded, yet again, of Paul’s words that qualifications for leadership tie directly to character. A short list of typical outward lea...  Read More
Week of June 16
by Larry Ashlock on June 16th, 2024
The famous “Round Toit” expression has become synonymous with procrastination. I wondered where the term originated, and one source states that it predates ancient Egypt. I even discovered an address in North Carolina on Rountoit Road! I would hesitate to bid on the purchase of that home because, as the name suggests, it likely would be a long and frustrating process to reach the final sale! Paul ...  Read More
Week of June 9
by Larry Ashlock on June 9th, 2024
“All is vanity” represents one of the most recognized claims in the Scriptures and one of the most pervasive worldviews throughout history. Oddly, people know that Solomon pens these words in Ecclesiastes, but do not search further to understand their meaning and find the answer to meaninglessness. “Everything is transitory and therefore of no lasting value. People are caught in the trap of the ab...  Read More
Week of June 2
by Larry Ashlock on June 2nd, 2024
We should live with “thus” in mind. I open this devotional with one single word that Paul writes in Romans 14, verse 18. We all know the importance of serving Christ, but we all too often attempt a vice-like control over those to whom we offer our service. Plainly, we need to consider the hard truth that we may be determining the way we want to live the Cross-life! Paul writes “whoever thus serves...  Read More
Week of May 26
by Larry Ashlock on May 26th, 2024
Does your baptism reflect turning over a new leaf or the effects of receiving a new life? Christ’s baptism symbolizes for us a radical change in our lives, so much so that it has been characterized as “new life.” The implications of this life change are to affect all that we say and do. Pack this thought away in your heart today as we examine more carefully the critical importance of living a “bap...  Read More
Week of May 19
by Larry Ashlock on May 19th, 2024
“It is impossible to be truly converted to God without being thereby converted to our neighbor” (John Stott). There is something akin to this double accountability in what we have before us today. Paul may have been responding to his critics in this extended passage, but notice how he does so (2:1-12). He practices accountability by turning the evaluation of his ministry over to those he had serve...  Read More
Week of May 12
by Larry Ashlock on May 12th, 2024
Piety, not cavalry, saves the king! Two keys to victory in any battle include devotion to God and reliance upon His power, according to the psalmist. I believe we may apply the same principle to the daily challenges we face. Surely, God knows our battles and He is more than able to help. He provides strength for the challenge when we worship Him, despite our trials, and rely upon His power. I know...  Read More
Week of May 5
by Larry Ashlock on May 5th, 2024
Accessing many of the most beautiful and meaningful places on earth requires getting into a boat and riding there. I liken the chapters that include and follow Matthew 16 to a boat ride on increasingly stormy seas. The aim is to reach the place of ultimate meaning, which is eternal life. I view this section as metaphorical “stormy seas,” filled with the choppy waves of increased challenges and que...  Read More